Friday, August 05, 2005

14 October 1999. Thursday

The class today was more interesting because I started the class by talking about what interests them most: shopping. I asked them what the price ranges are in their favorite shop (it turns out to be Greenhills!). What I wanted was interaction and I got interaction with this motivation. They were sharing each other's opinion about prices in the shops. I gave the stage to them for a few minutes so I begin the class actively rather than passively. Well, I thought I made my point and they were more participative in class afterwards. They were asking questions and criticizing me. I think I have to spend more time thinking of things that interests them and really see its relation to Algebra. I remember what a senior teacher mentioned before: a teacher should look at things from the point of view of the subject that she teaches so she could have more realistic and relevant things to say. In my case, I have to see inequalities when I shop. I have to see absolute value in distances…It's kinda hard to do because I cannot always think mathematically, otherwise, I'll be a walking mathematician.


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