Friday, August 05, 2005

15 October 1999, Friday

First thing in the morning today, my level coordinator went up to me and told me that three of my students told her that I made a mistake in what I taught them yesterday. At first, it was hard for me to accept especially for a choleric person like me. But I had to accept the fact that I committed that mistake. So I reflected for a while about it and realized that hey, I think I am good teacher after all because I have students who learned and dared to criticize me. I have always told them before that they should be critical of everything I write so they learn how to think. But this is the first time that they were critical and that they were correct.

I entered the classroom gathering up the courage to be humble and accept my mistake. First I was afraid to admit it because I was thinking that my students have lost their trust for me as a teacher. But I guess, they know that their teachers do not know everything that they ask them. I clarified my mistake with them because I myself was confused with it after the mistake was pointed out to me. But again, I just have to accept the fact that the solution set is a null set and not a "no solution set." I was happy.


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